Tuesday, January 10, 2012

signs that the times might be a-changin'.

December 23rd, I made a goal to workout every day over my 10 days off. Yes, I realized at the time that this included half of Hanukkah and all of Christmas. Yes, I also realized this included a two day road trip to visit my grandparents. I figured if I set the goal, I would at least work out a few times and not be a lump the whole 10 days.

Today is the 19th day since I made that goal. So far I'm at 15/19. I made it all 10 days, and then some! That 15 also doesn't count tonight's probable workout (so that would make 16/19, in case you're lazy). 
Last night's workout almost didn't happen, though. I usually meet with my mom on Monday nights, but she's getting over a virus so we figured it'd be safer to take a rain check. When I got home around 7, I immediately changed and headed downstairs. MISTAKE. I think the combination of it being right after work (well, relatively) and it being the first couple weeks of January (not that I hate on everyone with resolutions, y'all are awesome! Keep at it!) made for a very cranky adie. every.single.machine was taken. I sat there for a couple minutes waiting, and then gave up and went back upstairs. The kicker? I actually went back at 10, after dinner was done and digested, for take two. The fitness room was empty! Score. I guess I know when I need to workout now...if someone could just teach me how to not fall asleep while doing cardio that late at night, that would be great.

I'm patting myself on the back for this. Majorly.

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